Sishya School,
Mugalur Campus,D. Baranthur,Hosur Taluk, Krishnagiri District-635110,
Tamil Nadu.
Phone: 9488130702, 8903194702, 7598197569

NOTE:   Admissions Open For The Academic Year 2024-25       Download Registration Form


The School Flag & The House System

The School Flag has the school motto:

SEEK-STRIVE-SUCCEED signifying thereby an indomitable spirit and perfect perception to explore objectively and work hard and succeed.

The emblem: The star in the centre indicates the ever-resplendent universal truth and the Guru Sishya depiction reveals the Sishya in all humility bowing to the divine grace of the Guru to seek true enlightenment.


The 4 Houses are represented through the four gems-Emeralds-Rubies-Sapphires and Topaz. The essence of the House System is to promote the spirit of healthy competition through collaborative and concerted efforts and motivating each child to perform to the best of his or her ability.

The Emeralds House has its symbol as the lamp and is motivated by the motto symbolizing thereby the need to focus on effort that leads to excellence.

The Rubies House has as its symbol the balance that indicates a mature approach in all dealings that comes from their motto : 
                         RECEPTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE

The Sapphires House is motivated by the symbol of the anchor-the need to stay in balance and anchor at the right values which is further enhanced by their motto: 
                              SELFLESS AND SINCERE 

The Topaz House has a very inspiring symbol indeed-the focussed target and a compatible motto that reads 
                      TRIUMPH WITH TRUTH